What is cancer? Learn every information related to cancer, from beginning to end!

10 min readJul 23, 2021


Cancer disease is a disease whose name creates fear in the minds of people. More than 20 million people in the world are in the grip of this serious disease. Every year 90 lakh people are added to this list. At the same time, 40 lakh people lose their lives every year due to this. Talking about India, out of every one lakh people in India, 70 to 80 people are suffering from this disease. It can happen in any part of the body. Cancer is a broad term used to describe many different diseases. Usually this occurs when abnormal cells in the body grow out of control. Trillions of cells in a healthy body grow and divide daily. These are very important for our body to function properly.

What is cancer?

Cancer is becoming a more spreading disease in today’s time. Dr. Anil Hiror, Head Surgical Oncology, Fortis Hospital Mulund and Dr. Anil Hiror, Head Surgical Oncology, Fortis Hiranandani Hospital, Vashi says, “Cancer is a deadly disease. The most worrying thing is that nowadays it is being seen more among the youth. Abnormal cells begin to grow in cancer. Healthy cells have a life cycle in which new cells are made and old ones are destroyed. In this process new cells replace old or damaged cells as they have been destroyed. Cancer hinders this process. Changes in DN cause abnormal growth in cells, which prevents the body from functioning normally.”

There are more than 200 types of cancer disease. Some cancer diseases grow very slowly in the body, while some grow very fast. Most cancers are known by the name of the part of the body in which they occur. For example, cancer that occurs in the breast is called breast cancer. Most cancers form tumors but not all tumors are cancerous.

Non-cancerous tumors, benign tumors, or non-malignant tumors do not spread to other parts of the body or form other tumors. Whereas cancerous tumors or malignant tumors obstruct the body’s function by taking out healthy cells. It also removes nutrients from the body’s tissues.

Cancer continues to grow and spread through the process of metastasis, allowing malignant cells to form new tumors in other parts of the body through lymphatic and blood vessels.

Major types of cancer disease

Carcinoma: Carcinoma is the most common cancer. It is produced in the skin, lungs, breast, pancreas and other organs and glands.

Sarcoma: Sarcoma begins in muscle or bone tissue. It can start in any part of the body. The part of the body from which it starts complains of swelling and minor pain. Gradually, the organs around him start getting affected. Most sarcoma cancers develop in the muscles, joints and abdomen.

Melanoma: Melanoma is a type of skin cancer which is very dangerous. It starts as a mole. Over time, it reaches the nerves, liver, brain, bones, lungs inside the skin.

Lymphoma: Lymphoma cancer begins in the lymphocyte cells of the immune system. These cells are found in many parts of the body. In this cancer, lymphocyte cells start growing in an uncontrolled way.

Leukemia: Leukemia is a type of blood cancer. In this, there is an abnormal increase in the number of white blood cells in the body. Apart from this, the size of blood cells also starts changing. These cases are more common in old age. In this cancer disease, the immunity of the body becomes very weak, due to which even a minor virus can prove fatal to life.

Types of cancer in men

Prostate cancer is a serious problem

cancer in men

According to a study published in the American Cancer Society, prostate cancer is a common cancer in men. Its risk increases with age in men. This cancer is usually detected in people around the age of 65. Also, if the person’s family has a history of prostate cancer, then they are more likely to get prostate cancer. Prostate cancer occurs in the prostate gland of men, which is the size of a walnut. This gland works to make sperm. Prostate cancer spreads very rapidly and also affects the organs around the prostate.

Symptoms of prostate cancer include difficulty urinating, reduced flow of urine, blood in the sperm, pain in the pelvic area, and erectile dysfunction.

Cancer in men: It is important to prevent lung cancer

As everyone knows, smoking has become a common lifestyle choice in today’s era. This is such an addiction, which takes a person in its grip and then it becomes difficult to get rid of it. Due to these habits, the problem of lung cancer can be seen in men. Lung cancer: If the cells in the lung suddenly start dividing, then due to this a tumor is formed. Due to which the person starts having problem in breathing. If the person is treated at the right time then this problem can be dealt with. Cancer is a disease that spreads slowly in the body and its symptoms are often detected late. The same happens with lung cancer. Therefore, it becomes even more important to pay attention to its symptoms in time.

Symptoms of lung cancer include loss of appetite, swollen lymph nodes, changes in a person’s voice, hoarseness of voice, problems with bronchitis or pneumonia in the chest, problems with coughing, problems in breathing, Feeling of headache without any reason, sudden weight loss, wheezing during breathing etc. can be seen.

Cancer in men: Do not ignore the symptoms of colorectal cancer

cancer in men

Colorectal cancer begins in the colon or rectum. According to the American Cancer Society, 1 in 22 men and 1 in 24 women get colorectal cancer. These cancers can be due to many reasons, including obesity, lack of physical activity, high consumption of red meat or processed meat, high consumption of alcohol, smoking, old age or family history of colorectal cancer etc. If colorectal cancer is diagnosed on time, it can be prevented from spreading. By which its treatment may be possible.

Several symptoms are commonly seen in colorectal cancer, including diarrhea, constipation, blood in the stool, abdominal pain, abdominal bloating, vomiting, fatigue, weight loss, a lump in the abdomen, anemia, etc. Huh.

For more information on colorectal cancer, see these 3D models:

Cancer in men: It is important to diagnose bladder cancer on time.

Bladder cancer is seen more in men than in women. It is also called bile cancer. It starts in the bladder and gradually spreads to other organs. If it is detected at an early stage, it can be easily treated. But most bladder cancers are diagnosed in the late stages, when it is very difficult to treat. Bladder cancer is also very difficult to diagnose, as most of it does not show any symptoms.

According to the data of Indian Population Demonstration, most cases of bladder cancer are found in North and East India. It has been revealed from The National Cancer Registry Program of India that 4.5 out of 1 lakh men in northern India suffer from bladder cancer. Whereas in women, this figure increases further to 10.1 in 1 lakh.

Symptoms of bladder cancer include upper abdominal pain, jaundice, fever, nausea and vomiting, bloating, lump in the abdomen, dark urine, weight loss. etc. have been observed.

Types of cancer in women

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer is a type of malignant tumor that begins in the cells of the breast. Breast cancer is a group of malignant tumor cells that rapidly grow into surrounding tissue and can spread to other areas of the body. This disease occurs almost entirely in women, but some cases have also been reported in which men also suffer from this disease. Breast cancer is very common in women. In a lifetime, the disease affects one out of every eight women. It can be prevented by reducing the risk factors of this disease.

Vaginal cancer

When cancer occurs in the vagina, it is called vaginal cancer. Vagina is also called birth canal. It is a tube-like structure located on the outer side of the body under the uterus. When cancer occurs in the vulva it is called vulvar cancer. The vulva is the outer part of the female genital organ. Above it are two skin folds called labia. Vulvar cancer occurs on the inner edge of the labia. Vaginal and vulvar cancers are very rare. Although all women are at risk for these cancers, only some get it. There is no way to know for sure whether you will have vaginal cancer. However, some factors can increase the chances of this happening.

Cervical Cancer

Cervical cancer disease affects the lower part of the cervix ie the lining of the cervix. Cervical cancer does not develop suddenly, but develops gradually. When cervical cancer has developed inside women, they are often not detected because the symptoms of this cancer are not known much. The cells of the lower part of the lining of the cervix continuously increase their number, which becomes the cause of cancer.

Viruses are believed to be the main cause of cervical cancer disease. HPV virus (Human Papilloma Virus) causes infection, which later becomes a disease of cervical cancer. Infections are caused by the HPV virus. Infection can be caused by sexual intercourse. Sometimes skin touch also becomes the reason for the spread of the virus. In the disease of cervical cancer, symptoms like abnormal menstruation or feeling of pain during sex, excessive amount of blood during periods, etc. can be seen.

What are the symptoms of cancer disease?

The symptoms of cancer disease do not necessarily appear the same in everyone. It also depends on which part of the body is affected by it.

Some common symptoms of cancer disease:


persistent cough or shortness of breath


Weight changes

Difficulty swallowing


Thickening under skin

skin changes, such as yellowing, darkening, or reddening of the skin

wound healing

Change in bowel or bladder habits

feeling restless after eating

persistent muscle or joint pain

night sweats

What are the causes of cancer disease?

It is not usually possible to know why cancer develops in one person and not in another. But some research suggests risk factors that can increase a person’s chances of developing cancer. Risk factors include exposure to chemicals or other substances as well as certain habits. These also include things people cannot control, such as age and family history. Some cancers can be a sign of cancer syndrome due to family history.

The list below includes the most commonly suspected risk factors for cancer. Some of these risk factors are such that can be avoided. There nothing can be avoided like age. One’s age can never be stopped.

Age: Cancer can take decades to develop. That’s why most people with cancer are 65 and older.

Alcohol: Consumption of alcohol can cause cancer of the esophagus, respiratory tract, liver or palate.

Family history: If cancer is common in your family, there may be mutation transfer from one generation to another, which increases the risk of cancer. Mutations found from family history can be detected by genetic testing. One thing to keep in mind is that inherited genetic mutation does not mean that you will get cancer disease.

Cancer-Causing Substances: Exposure to certain chemicals and dangerous substances can increase the risk of cancer. These include carcinogens such as asbestos, nickel, cadmium, radon, vinyl chloride, benzidine.

Chronic Inflammation

Environment: The environment around you can contain harmful chemicals that can help increase the risk of cancer.



Health condition: Certain chronic health conditions, such as ulcerative colitis, can increase the risk of developing cancer.


Infectious Agents: Infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria and parasites increase the risk of cancer.

Smoking: Smoking can cause cancer of the mouth, lung, stomach, throat and bladder.

Obesity problem



Tobacco: Consumption of tobacco, eating pan masala and gutka can cause cancer of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, tongue, throat, pancreas and kidney.

How to find out about cancer disease?

To diagnose cancer disease, the doctor may recommend any of the following tests:

Physical exam: The doctor may feel a number of lumps in your body which may indicate a tumour. During the physical exam, he may look for abnormalities such as change in skin tone or enlargement of any organ etc. This can be a sign of having cancer.

Laboratory tests: Laboratory tests such as urine or blood tests may be done. In this, the doctor will be able to detect the defects that can be the cause of cancer. For example, blood count is known by conducting a common blood test. People with leukemia may report abnormal white blood cell counts.

Imaging Test: An imaging test examines your internal organs and bones. Imaging tests include CT scan test, bone scan, MRI, PET scan, process of ultrasound and X-ray.

Biopsy: For testing in biopsy, the doctor takes a tissue sample from the body for detailed examination. There are also several ways to collect samples. Which biopsy method is right for you depends on which cancer you have.

How can cancer be avoided?

However, there is no sure way to prevent cancer. But researchers have suggested several ways to reduce the risk of this dangerous disease, such as:

Don’t smoke: If you smoke a cigarette, stop it. Smoking is not only linked to lung cancer but also to many other cancers. You can reduce the risk of this disease by not smoking.

Eat a healthy diet: Include more vegetables and fruits in your diet.

Exercise daily: Its risk can also be reduced by exercising daily. Do exercise for half an hour every day.

Avoid excessive exposure to the sun: The harmful ultraviolet rays coming from the sun increase the risk of skin cancer. So avoid going in the sun as much as possible. Also, while going out, wear such clothes that cover the whole body and apply sunscreen.

Maintain your weight. Being overweight or obese also increases your chances. Therefore, maintain your weight by following a healthy diet and exercising daily.

Do not consume alcohol: We all know that drinking alcohol is injurious to our health. According to many research, its consumption increases the risk of oral, oesophageal, liver, colorectal and breast cancer.

Screening Test: Keep conducting screening tests from time to time. This will give information related to the abnormal cells growing in the body. This will help the doctor determine your medication.

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